More than a Dream  

Posted by Doug Griner in

I have been asked if it is possible to have a church like I described in my last post; if I knew how to build a church like that. The answer is yes to both questions. The commentator also pointed out that many people would be afraid of such a church. I agree with that statement also. Especially the ones who stand to lose power over the people. The "church" realized several centuries ago that it is easier to control the masses with a fear of hell than with an army. If you hold the "keys to the kingdom" then you can control most any religious crowd. Control and manipulation have produced a distorted and perverse entity that we like to call "church" but has very little similarity to the original design. It truly has a form of godliness but has absolutely denied the power. How tragic!

Somewhere in history we have taken on the role of defining who God is instead of letting Him define who we are. Unfortunately we are ALL wrong! God is richer and has more depth than our imaginations of Him. His freedom is farther reaching than our feeble attempts to experience a "controlled expression" of Him. We have brought ourselves into bondage to our own definition of freedom.

It is for Freedom that Christ has made us Free....

To build a church like I envision one must first remember the foundation has already been laid. It is built upon the apostles and prophets. The foundation dictates the placement of the remaining house. Second, we must remember that it is meant to be a house of prayer (communication with God) for ALL nations and not a den of thieves that steals worship from Father. Third, it must be a place of refuge and healing for the oppressed, blind, broken and captive. Fourth, we MUST remember that God Himself plans to be a cohabitant with us in the house. He is a consuming fire and our works will be tested with the fire of His presence. Finally we must agree to mutual submission to one another. Leadership is meant to guide, not control. It is meant to remedy problems that arise but never be the central controlling group. Our love for God and for one another is where true spiritual counsel is discovered. We all have a voice and we all have a place for ministry.

I doubt seriously that an existing church can be converted into such a house. It will most likely have to begin from the existing spiritual foundation. Is it possible?? I believe with all my heart it is.

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 3, 2009 at 1:28 PM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



Glad I found the blog again :-) I agree that SOME people would be afraid of a church like that. But for the most part, people would seek a church like that. People weren't afraid of Christ and they wouldn't be afraid "Christ's church". Indeed, it would be the light on the hilltop. Drawing those who are lost, hurting, and alone. Maybe if we would stop seeking God on TBN and seek him by doing what Jesus said we should do (love God, love neighbor) we would have a church that Jesus would attend. A church full of liars, thieves, gossipers etc etc which have been transformed by the love of Christ.

May 5, 2009 at 5:26 PM

Love Love Love the last sentence!

May 5, 2009 at 7:47 PM

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